Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 1: Warm up

Day 1 is warm up day. So far I have completed the following:
1. Do one press-up (by press up I'm assuming they mean push up. crazy brits.)
2. Perform a strip tease in private.
3. Fantasize about your partner (that was fun lol)
4. Use a different thickness comb. I used a fine tooth comb. Not fun.
5. Hold the phone up to your other ear. This was difficult. I'm not sure why. I do not like my left ear now, strangely.
6. Tell someone your middle name. I told my bestest Aurora and all of the twitterverse. Now I tell you, my middle name is Rae.
7. Bookmark a new website. I chose so I can see what everyone else is doing.
8. Give your genitalia nicknames. Well, the girls used to be Delores and Diane. Due to recent events they are now Gina and Gabby. As far as the nether regions, um I think I'm gonna go with Roxanne lol
9. Insult and insect. There was a big ass spider in my kitchen so I called it a stupid son of a bitch. Take that!
10. Triple tie your shoe laces. I usually double tie out of habit. I did a triple tie. I cannot get it out!
11. Whisper white lies when no one is listening. When I was in line at Target today I whispered "Omg I want to do Tom Jones"
12. Go on a one minute hunger strike. I took this one to the extreme. I haven't eaten in over an hour.

I must say day 1 went well. I did 12 of the 18 warm up tasks. Tomorrow is going to be interesting.

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